The Grand Isle Planning Commission is updating the Town Plan and we need YOUR help!
Thank you to all for attending our community planning meetings and completing our planning survey! Click on the tabs to the right for summary documents from these meetings and other important information on this ongoing project.
MARK YOUR CALENDARS! The Planning Commission’s next event is on planning for forest integrity and habitat blocks with staff from the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Community Wildlife Program on January 16th!
The Town Plan serves as an important guide for the Town’s decisions around land use and infrastructure investments. It also helps the town secure grant funding. The existing Grand Isle Town Plan expires in February of 2025 and the new plan will be effective for 8 years. The project is funded by a Municipal Planning Grant from the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development.
Planning Commission Meetings
In addition to the Community Planning meetings, the Grand Isle Planning Commission is holding regular public meetings to work on the plan update. Meetings and agendas can be found on the Grand Isle Town website.