“Help Us Help You”
This page provides information about NRPC’s project “Using a Decision Tree to Categorize and Develop Projects in Grand Isle, Isle La Motte, and North Hero.”
Project Purpose
NRPC is taking steps to identify top-priority projects in certain parts of the Champlain Islands. Our goal? Reduce sediment and nutrient runoff that can harm our waters. For this project to be successful, WE NEED YOUR HELP.
How We Will Choose Projects
We’ve used special computer tools (GIS) to find potential trouble spots. We’ll then use a decision tree, a step-by-step guide, to finalize our choices. (You can see the decision below.)
Our Process
- Confirm where erosion (soil wearing away) is happening;
- Find out the main cause of this erosion;
- Plan our next steps and design solutions.
How Do We Address Erosion Issues?
If private roads are causing erosion: It may be necessary to perform an assessment known as an REI. An REI could help us decide if a project is more urgent than others for funding.
If the Problem Starts from the Area Draining Towards the Road
We’ll consider techniques to manage and reduce water flow. Examples include capturing the water, slowing it down, or storing it.

If the Problem is Right at the Road
Solutions might include strengthening ditches or areas around water outlets.
Important Note
Our solutions will be tailored to fit the specific situation. If gullies (deep ditches caused by flowing water) are a problem, we’ll make sure to address the root causes.
The Decision Tree
For a visual guide on how we make these selections, take a look at the decision tree below.

Project Manager
For more information, contact Maddie Yandow or Dean Pierce. Once again, for this project to be successful, WE NEED YOUR HELP. Please reach out if it is of interest.