Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to some “frequently asked questions” relating to project applications are provided below.

Can the information in my application be saved before the form is submitted?No, unfortunately, the current design of the application form does not have this feature.
Which Watershed Project ID number should I use if more than one might apply to the project?If you are unsure, confirm which number is most appropriate by contacting Basin Planner Karen Bates by email or at 802-490-6144.
Where do I enter information about a project’s estimated annual phosphorus reduction potential?You should enter that information in the section with the heading “Phosphorus Reduction and Other Benefits” followed by the words “Annual P Reduction KG*”

Note: if you are applying for an Assessment, ID, or Development project you will not see such a heading.
Where do I upload the Interim phosphorus reduction calculator file?You should enter that information in the section with the heading “Supporting Information and Uploads.”

You may upload files by dragging and dropping or clicking “browse files” and selecting them from the location you have saved them.
Is there a limit on the number of applications I can submit?There is no limit on the number of applications you may submit in response to this initial call for applications.
Is there a limit on the total amount of funding I can apply for? There is no limit on the total amount of funding you may seek in response to this initial call for applications.
What does it mean for an application for Assessment, ID, or Development projects to address Cost Effectiveness “in a specific way”?In this context, “in a specific way” means in a way that is explicit, unambiguous, deliberate.
Can I enter more than one WPD ID number for an application?The online form is designed to accept one project ID number per application. If your application encompasses multiple practices that have their own project ID numbers as well as a different ID that encompasses the group, please include the individual numbers in the project description.
Is it possible to bundle projects together to reduce the number of applications I must submit?Bundling projects simply to reduce the number of applications is not encouraged by the CWSP--unless the projects are all part of assessment or development type work. Bundling of final design and/or implementation projects is generally discouraged by the CWSP, except when projects are located on a single property.
Can I substitute a VTrans 1111 permit for a landowner agreement if the project is to be located within a VTrans right of way and VTrans has agreed, as part of the permit, to assume responsibility for maintenance?The CWSP Rule states “Any site control in fee simple, easement, or agreement shall be documented on a form provided by the Secretary.” Until such time as allowance is made for alternative forms of O&M assurance, please use the DEC recommended form.
I am preparing an application to fund the implementation of a project that is already designed. Where can I find a copy of the landowner agreement forms and operation and maintenance plan forms?Such forms are available online here. Look for the heading “Operation and Maintenance.”
PLEASE NOTE: This table will be expanded over time so plan to revisit this page in the future.