Members of the BWQCs serve as policy makers and top level “prioritizers.” BWQCs direct funds to where they can have the greatest impact. BWQCs also participate in the basin planning process. BWQCs consist of nine members each, selected as follows:

  • two persons representing Natural Resource Conservation districts;
  • two persons representing Regional Planning Commissions;
  • two persons representing local watershed protection organizations;
  • one representative from an applicable local or statewide land conservation organization; and
  • two persons representing municipalities within the basin.

​Members of the BWQCs are listed on the “BWQC Member and Alternate” page. As described below, BWQC membership is renewed every two years.

BWQCs receive support from a staff. This staff, which is employed by the Clean Water Service Provider (CWSP), is obligated to pursue projects that will help meet the phosphorous reduction targets that grow out of the Lake Champlain TMDL.

Membership Renewal

The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) requires that Basin Council membership be renewed every two years. Renewal is coordinated by the CWSP, with involvement of organizations like Watershed United Vermont (WUV) and the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts (VACD).

Do you know someone who wishes to seek appointment as a BWQC Representative or Alternate in the Lamoille Basin or Missisquoi Basin?

If so, and if they would like to be considered as part of the membership renewal taking place in 2024, they should reach out to Dean Pierce as soon as possible.

Other contacts include the following:
Watershed Organization sector: contact Lyn Munno
Natural Resource Conservation District sector: contact Jill Arace
Land Conservation Organization, Municipality, and Regional Planning Commission sectors: contact Dean Pierce

Anticipated vacancies in the Missisquoi Basin

Regional Planning Commissions
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Barry Lampke
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Beth Torpy

~ Representative (tentative)
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Daniel Seeley and Vacant Representative seat

Land Conservation Organizations
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Allaire Diamond

Watershed Organizations

Natural Resource Conservation Districts

Anticipated vacancies in the Lamoille Basin

Regional Planning Commissions
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Meghan Rodier
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Brad Holden

~ Representative (to succeed Sarah Hadd)
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Brent Sheets and Vacant Representative seat

Land Conservation Organizations
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Erin De Vries

Watershed Organizations
~ Representative (to succeed Kent Henderson)
~ One or more Alternate to proposed Representative Christine Armstrong and Vacant Representative seat

Natural Resource Conservation Districts
One or more Alternate to the Representative Peter Danforth
~ One or more Alternate to the Representative Lauren Weston