The Franklin-Grand Isle Mobility Advisory Committee is the regional committee of Vermont’s Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities and O&D Program, Older Adults and Persons with Disabilities (O&D) Transportation Program | Agency of Transportation ( The Program supports community members through affordable transportation to medical appointments, local adult day centers, senior meal sites, and to access fresh food at the grocery store. The O&D Transportation Program is specifically designed to serve older adults and persons with disabilities. In our region this service is provided by Green Mountain Transit (GMT) in Franklin County and Champlain Islanders Developing Essential Resources (CIDER) in Grand Isle County. The providers use a combination of buses, lift-equipped vans, sedans and taxis, along with volunteer drivers who use personal vehicles to give rides to community members.
The Franklin Grand Isle Mobility Advisory Committee typically meets quarterly (February, May, August & December). The Committee currently meets remotely over Zoom. Call-in information and links are available in each meeting agenda.
For more information on the O&D Program and Mobility Advisory Committee, please contact Kathy Lavoie by email or (802) 782-1924.
Committee Partners
Green Mountain Transit – Timothy Bradshaw, Christopher Damiani & Nicholas Foss
Northwest Regional Planning Commission – Kathy Lavoie
Care Partners Adult Day Center – Sue Chase
Age Well – Erica Marks
VT Agency of Transportation – Daniel Currier
United Way of Northwest Vermont – Cari Kelley
HireAbility Vermont – Katie Coe
CIDER – Jordan Posner
Vermont Department of Health – Jacqeline Kelley