NRPC offers area wide planning to help catalyze redevelopment in brownfields impacted areas. Brownfields area wide planning recognizes that revitalization of an area surrounding a brownfields property is just as critical to its reuse as assessment, cleanup and/or redevelopment of that one property. An area wide plan will research and evaluate brownfields cleanup and reuse opportunities in light of priorities and existing plans; local market, infrastructure, and other conditions; and resource availability. This information enables communities to make more informed decisions about where to direct scarce resources and helps advance the implementation of locally-driven initiatives, such as housing, parks, environmental improvement and economic development.
St. Albans City – Targeted Area Planning Project
For more infomation on this project click here.
Swanton Northern Gateway – Targeted Area Wide Plan
For more infomation on this project click here.
Richford Area Wide Plan
For more infomation on this project click here.