The NRBP assessment and cleanup planning services include the following:
- Conducting research and site interviews to flag areas of a property that would benefit from further investigation (Phase 1 environmental site assessment);
- Conducting soil, water, and/or air tests to confirm whether known or suspected environmental contamination, including hazardous materials, petroleum products, and lead, asbestos, and environmental fungi (mold) exists, and if so, to what extent (Phase 2 environmental assessment);
- Developing corrective action plans (including an investigation of alternative solutions and their costs) to protect construction workers, to develop clean-up plans, and/or to help the site clear any regulatory hurdles. Redevelopment planning is part of this service; and
- Providing technical assistance to address site specific issues, such as understanding liability laws and insurance and creating strategies for funding cleanup and redevelopment.
How do I apply to the Assessment Program?
Participation is strictly voluntary. Once a property owner decides to pursue the program, a Site Nomination form must be submitted for review by the NRBP Steering Committee. If accepted into the program, participating property owners will be required to sign participation and access agreements. With few exceptions, sites meeting the brownfields definition are eligible for our program. This includes a wide variety of sites: former gas stations, mills, manufacturers, auto or machine repair, rail yards, manufactured gas plants, lumber yards, warehouses, factories, sites with underground storage tanks, or any other commercial or industrial sites.
Does my project have to be in Franklin or Grand Isle County?
Brownfields located throughout the State of Vermont are eligible for the assessment program with priority given to sites in the Northwest Region Counties of Franklin and Grand Isle.
What happens once my site is accepted?
If a site is accepted into the program, NRPC hires a consultant to complete the environmental assessment, cleanup or redevelopment planning. All assessment activities and testing is completed by environmental professionals in accordance with the most recent federal standards. The Commission provides copies of both draft and final documents to owners and prospective developers. Owners can then decide whether to proceed with further assessment or corrective action planning.